Posted_By: Judy Date: Saturday,
August 26, 2006 Time: 5:36 AM
Ladies Meeting,
et. al.
The first meeting
of the ladies took place last Saturday, August 19, at
Chemartin Primary School which is located in the housing
compound provided for the tea pickers’ families. As Moses
(one of the gatekeepers at Chemartin) and I entered the
compound, about 50 children came running from everywhere. I
took a couple of pictures of them and then all 50 had to
look at them. By then, Alfred, his wife Teresia, and Peter
Kemboi, pastor of Cheptabach church, arrived and we all
went inside one of the classrooms.
That’s when the
rains started, very hard, pounding on the tin roof and
through the roof in spots. Alfred and Peter were able to
get the children singing some songs very loudly above the
sound of the rain. That helped pass the hour we waited for
the rains to stop. During the downpour the Lord planted the
thought that it was a perfect time for Pastor Peter to share
the story of Noah and the ark. He did so after the rain
subsided enough to be able to hear him.
When the rains
ended, most of the children went outside and five more
ladies arrived. By now it was 3:30. The meeting was
supposed to have started at 2:00, but the rains prevented
them arriving sooner. I shared with them what the Lord had
laid on my heart for them—sewing, Bible studies, and several
craft-type projects to help with family incomes—and they all
seemed excited and shared their own ideas. It was decided
to have the fellowship/project times on Saturdays and Bible
studies on Sunday afternoons beginning the next weekend. As
we started the meeting, all the children who went outside
came back in to listen.
When we finished,
Alfred called Shikuku, one of Anna’s drivers and chief auto
mechanic, to pick us up since the rains made the roads so
muddy. He arrived in the Land Cruiser with two army
soldiers holding automatic weapons. Boy, did I feel safe!
I found out from Anna that they were to stand guard while
the tea pickers were paid because the payroll is handled
with cash, lots of it. It was a very interesting and
productive afternoon.
Sunday morning
services were held at Koisagat church on the tea estate of
the same name. I’m still making the rounds of all the
Baptist churches in the Nandi Hills district with members
and pastors from all the churches meeting together to see
and hear the white woman from America. Each Sunday the
attendance has steadily grown and they’re encouraged and
excited about what God is doing. It seems that the people
are finally convinced that I’m here to stay. I’m sure there
was much speculation about my motives and perseverance since
they have experienced many questionable “Christian” groups.
Again I was asked
to speak and was ready with John’s letter to the church in
Ephesus in Revelation 2 about not leaving our first love.
God brought results with one lady, Maria, saved and several
shared how much they needed to hear that message. I am so
amazed and humbled at the fact that when I speak, the
pastors are taking notes! I’ve found that they are so
isolated and have so little training, that everyone is
starving for more of God’s Word. The women expressed that
when they said they wanted more Bible study than anything
else. Also, very few of them have Bibles. I praise the
Lord for what is happening and I thank Him for you who are
On Tuesday we
went to Eldoret to shop and look at a car I’ll probably buy
next week, the Lord willing. We went to the bookstore that
supplies schoolbooks and Bibles and I ordered 100 Bibles to
start with: 50 in Swahili and 50 in English. They cost
less than $7.00 each, but I’m supposed to get a better
“bulk” rate when I pick them up next week. I also found out
about a contact from the Bible Society who’s supposed to
come by one day soon. In a Ukwala grocery store, another
chain like super Wal-Mart, I bought some beads, scissors,
thread, etc. Shikuku has a friend who makes shoes and can
probably supply me with leather for the ladies to make the
tribal beaded items they like so much. We’re getting there
slowly but surely! Whatever we do will be items they can
sell to help their families.
Both Anna and I
need haircuts and her favorite shop is in Eldoret, but we
just ran out of time to fit that in. I can’t wait to see
what my first African haircut looks like. Pat Hamilton gave
me a good pair of haircutting scissors and a professional
comb to use just in case. Pray for me, Pat!
Wednesday Anna
was out on the veranda playing her keyboard. She picks out
tunes by ear. With her was Thomas Kosgey, her accountant,
who also has a keyboard and knows a little music. They were
trying to work up a duet. Thomas is a Christian who belongs
to a Full Gospel church. I started playing hymns he
requested and Anna knew from her childhood school days, and
we had a great time together. Thomas has a son who plays
piano and guitar, so we plan to get together sometime soon.
It is now
Saturday morning and I have been preparing for this
afternoon’s ladies meeting at 3:00 at Chemartin Primary
School. Since I still don’t have all the supplies we need,
we’ll probably just have a Bible study today beginning in
Ephesians. If all 50 children show up again, they can
listen. They are very good about sitting or standing
still. Hopefully, it won’t rain so they can go outside if
they want. It’s cloudy right now and it rained last night,
so we’ll just have to see what the Lord has in store for us.
That’s the news
for this week. I thought recently how way, way, way out of
my usual comfort zone I am, but how the Lord has given me a
new comfort zone and I truly feel at home. Of course, I
can’t wait for the family to come visit and all the friends
who say they want to! Y’all come, now, ya here?! You’ll
love it!
Mungu aku bariki!
Posted_By: Judy Date: Saturday,
August 19, 2006 Time: 11:28 AM
Sunny Sunday!
Sunday was dry; no rain or mud. Bwana asa fiwe! (Praise the
Lord!) It was a beautiful sunny day and we had a glorious
service at Kapchorua church with at least 80 people in a
primary school classroom designed for about 30 children. It
was standing room only. Singing was accompanied by a drum
and two other percussion instruments. During the testimony
time a large group of adults and young people
stood up and
left the room. I asked Henry where they were going. He
said it was the choir going outside to get ready to sing.
In a few minutes they processed in and sang two songs with
much feeling and movement. It was beautifully done in three
parts—soprano, alto and men—with only the percussion
instruments accompanying. Then it was my turn. I have
learned to always be prepared because they determine the
order of service after we all arrive on Sunday morning. The
Lord had led me to share what it means to truly believe in
Jesus, the different aspects of faith and how our faith in
Him is evidenced in our lives. Henry interpreted and we had
a good time together testifying of the goodness of our Lord!
Temso and
Cheptabach churches are located in open fields with cows
very close by, while Kapchorua meets in the primary school
located behind the tea factory. There are five classrooms
connected to each other in a straight line, and in each room
a church service was being conducted all at the same time:
five different denominations with no sound proofing between
the walls. What a challenge it was to hear, but everyone
seemed to be used to it. If something needed to be
repeated, it was. Hakuna matata. (No problem.)
This Saturday at
2:00 the ladies are supposed to meet at the Chemartin
Primary School. Hopefully, we’ll have a good group and get
things rolling. I’ve asked some of the pastors what are the
most important concerns regarding the women and their
spiritual and personal needs. Their answers are the same
concerns as everywhere else: growing in their faith and
walk with the Lord, their families, relationships at home
with husbands and children, nutrition and cooking. The Lord
laid on my heart the book of Ephesians as a good place to
start the Bible studies.
Nutrition is a
challenge since there are not many varieties of foods
available within walking distance of their homes. A typical
diet consists of tea with milk for breakfast, and ugali
wrapped in kale leaves for lunch and supper. Ugali is
ground white cornmeal boiled in water until thickened with
some salt for flavor. It’s sort of the African version of
grits but much thicker. So please pray for these ladies and
our meetings that God will supply all our needs and prepare
our hearts for what He has in store for us.
There’s not a
week that goes by that there isn’t a conversation somewhere
with someone about bad experiences encountered with
“Christians.” For example, some church groups have arrived
on the scene and immediately tried to take away the
generations of traditions, telling the people they were
sinning and following the devil, without telling them first
about the love of God and showing them that love. Many
people are angry and bitter about the tactics that have been
used. They are easily turned off by “Christian aggression”
and confused by all the different denominations. Of course,
these conversations are with people who are not in the
church so they don’t understand that Satan is the great
deceiver. Please pray for wisdom to share God’s love and
truth in a way that will overcome the anger and bitterness
that keeps them in darkness and that God will remove the
veil of deception so that they can see the Light of the
world, who is Jesus.
Thank you for
your prayers!
Mungu aku bariki!
Posted_By: Judy Date: Saturday,
August 12, 2006 Time: 09:01 AM
Mud, Picking Tea
and a Taxi
On the way to
Cheptabach church last Sunday, the Land Cruiser went as far
as it could go in the mud, then we were on foot. Anna made
sure I had a walking stick, but it didn’t stop me from
slipping once and I ended up with a muddy knee print on my
skirt. When’s the last time you went to church with mud on
your clothes and shoes? What fun! It was another good
service with songs, testimonies, prayers and a sermon from
we sloshed to church together that morning, Henry shared
with me that he felt
God’s call to be a pastor. He also told me how the pastors
of the churches we have planted are attending Bible schools,
leading the churches, and are taking care of their families,
but have no income to speak of because the churches are
still so small. There are no Home Depots or other stores
where they can get part-time jobs, but they are faithful to
the work God has called them to do. Please pray for these
pastors and their families.
my morning walks through the tea fields I wave at the people
picking tea and they wave back. Some of them are close
enough to the road that we exchange greetings, either in
English, Swahili or Nandi. I’m never quite sure which one
to use, but they either respond appropriately or just
smile. When I pass by the housing provided by the tea
companies, the children run out and follow me a little way
down the road and they laugh when I say anything in English
or Swahili and they love for me to shake their hands. The
other morning I stopped and helped a couple of men pick
tea. When I told Anna, she said everyone will hear about
that before the day’s over. I’m just trying to be friendly
and open doors to share with them. They all know the white
woman from America is there to help the churches so I’d
better be nice!
morning Alfred (the interpreter du jour) and I
arrived at Cheptabach church for the first women’s meeting
at 10:00. As the custom is to be a little late, we weren’t
too concerned when no one else was there. We took advantage
of the extra time to walk over to the dispensary, which is
almost finished because of community support. I met the
Asst. Chief (administrator) of the area and a few of the men
who are in charge of the dispensary. When I got out my
camera, they made me wait until about 15 people who live
nearby arrived to be in the picture. I’m amazed at how fast
word gets around!
After the
picture-taking session, we went back to the church. Still
no one had arrived and it was now 11:00. We waited a few
minutes then started walking back to Chemartin. On the way
we met a lady who was on her way to the church for the
meeting. It seemed that 10:00 was not a good time, so
Alfred asked her to tell the others to set another day and
time. This was one of those examples of how our plans are
not necessarily God’s priorities. Seeing the dispensary and
finding out their needs was what God intended for me that
day. The closest medical help is about 15 km away—a long
walk when you’re not feeling well.
My first ride in
a public taxi was very interesting. I rode to Nandi Hills
with some of the workers from Chemartin. Since they had
other places to go, they found a reliable taxi driver to
take me back. Four men pushed us off so the car would
start. It needed gas but because of the lack of starting
power, the motor had to keep running. The driver engaged
the emergency break, but it didn’t hold. With one foot on
the brake and the other on the ground, he directed someone
else to put in the gas. I prayed. Just outside of Nandi
Hills the police stopped us because the car was not in
compliance with the rules. Anna had told me to always be
nice to the police and there would be no problem, so I was
and they let us continue on our way. Asante sana, Bwana!
(Thank you very much, Lord!)
The Lord has
opened my eyes to so many needs that I am overwhelmed at
times. Please pray for wisdom to discern exactly what the
Lord wants done in His perfect timing—first things first.
Thank you for your prayers, emails and comments on the
website! I haven’t been able to answer everyone because of
internet problems, but I’m working on it. That’s another
prayer request!
Mungu aku bariki!
Posted_By: Judy Date: Saturday,
August 5, 2006 Time: 06:27 AM
Week of Rains
It is winter and
the rainy season. Usually the rains come only in the
afternoons, but this week has been very soggy with rains off
and on all day and night. It’s also much cooler—actually,
it was cold today (Friday) because the sun has refused to
shine for such a long time. I’m wearing 3 layers because I
didn’t bring any winter clothes. Did your geography books
say it ever got cold on the equator? But then the elevation
here is 7,600 feet and sometimes the hills are in the clouds
as the rain approaches. Rain or shine it’s still beautiful!
Last Saturday,
7/30, we went to Taito Secondary School (high school) which
is run by the Kenya Tea Growers Asso. and where Anna is
Chairman of the Board. It’s a boarding school so the
students are there on weekends. The Headmaster is a
Christian, and part of their curriculum is a daily class in
Christian Religious Education and they have a church service
on Sunday. I shared my testimony and was invited to go back
and teach some of the CRE classes and spend a whole day
answering their questions. Please pray for wisdom and
sensitivity to what God wants them to hear.
Last Sunday I
attended FBC, Temso, where Henry’s father, David Maritim, is
pastor. I was the “guest speaker” and shared my testimony
about God’s call to Africa, a “sermon” on 1 John 1:5-7, and
my salvation testimony. Henry interpreted in Nandi, their
tribal tongue. (I’m making progress in the language
department because I could tell it wasn’t Swahili!) There
was also beautiful singing accompanied by a hand-made drum,
several testimonies and prayers, and Henry also spoke. It
was a wonderful service which started at 10:30 with about 15
people. By 11:15 there were 30-40 people and it ended at
12:30 because the rains were coming. I talked to several
ladies about things we can do together and our first meeting
is planned for Wed., August 9, at 10:00 a.m. at Cheptobach
church. Please pray for God’s perfect will to be revealed
and accomplished. By the way, on the way to the church we
had a flat tire. I’ll share that “Kodak Moment” with you.
This Sunday, 8/6,
I’ll go to FBC, Cheptobach. Plans have been made for me to
make the rounds of all the churches we planted in this area
on our mission trips. So each Sunday for several weeks I’ll
be attending a different church.
Yesterday Waweru,
a building contractor, came by to go over the plans for my
house. He’s going to change my penciled, not-to-scale
sketch into a technical drawing and come back next week.
We’re still looking for land that already has access to
electrical power. Anna has also asked him to find me a good
used car in Nairobi. They have a mutual friend who is a
good auto mechanic and will check it out for me. Because of
supply and demand (not much of either), cars cost about the
same here as they do in the US. Waweru recommended a
4-wheel-drive Toyota Rav4. Toyota is the favored brand
because it has the most reliable service, and all the taxi
and safari companies use Toyota vans and Land Cruisers.
I’m chomping at
the bits to get a sewing machine. We didn’t have a car to
go shopping this week, but hopefully next week I can buy a
machine to start sewing for the children. My house plans
include a separate building with one large room in which we
will keep the machines and conduct the lessons. When they
are ready to go it on their own, we’ll move a machine to
their home. Right now there’s not a secure place to store
them, but the Lord will provide in His perfect timing.
Internet access
has been simply horrible this whole week, and for one whole
day the cell phones were down. If I was able to get online,
it was for only a few minutes (it takes 5 minutes just to
connect to Yahoo) when it suddenly disconnected. I called
this afternoon and reported the problem, and by 8:00 p.m. I
had a text message stating the problem was fixed. We’ll see
how it is tomorrow.
As always, thank
you for your prayers and Mungu aku bariki!
Posted_By: Judy Date: Monday, July
31, 2006 Time: 08:49 AM
Please see the photos below (click on
the images for a larger view).
Samson Kisia |
Anna's house |
Guest house |
Posted_By: Judy Date: Saturday, July 29, 2006 Time: 06:17 AM
Waiting on the Lord
First a huge thank you to all who have sent messages through the website and individual emails. You have been so encouraging with your prayer support and offers to help. I know God is with me but so are you as Paul said, “in spirit.” The strength and wisdom of God is so evident day to day. THANK YOU!
Also a big thank you goes to Jason Payne who has volunteered his time and expertise to develop the web site. He was my organ student when he was in high school through the Performing Arts Center at FBCS, then went on to Bob Jones University where he studied business and more organ. He is now married to Erin, a very sweet lady, and works with his father (Jeff and Yolan Payne are members at FBCS). He has done an excellent job as so many of you have found out. He is playing the organ now at FBCS, so y’all can tell him in person how much you appreciate his work. THANK YOU, JASON! The web site address is
So much has happened this week. Monday, 7/24, David Maritim, pastor of FBC, Temso, and Joseph Birgen, a member of FBC, Cheptobach, came to visit. These are two of the three churches that Samson suggested I begin working with and which we planted on our 2002 mission trip here. They are very close to the tea plantation (30+ minutes uphill walk). The third church is on the plantation property, and all need a lot of help in the area of family life, nutrition for the children, Bibles in Swahili, and you name it. They are excited about the sewing machines and would you believe God has provided a couple of people who can help with translating the instructions because they know how to sew?!
They also want to learn other skills to help improve their lives. The government has a program whereby if we have a registered women’s league, they will provide things like bees and goats and training to raise them to sell the honey and milk, which is good for AIDS and other illnesses. Also, Pastor David has begun a dispensary, which fills a great need especially for the children. There’s a lot that can be done for the people in this area.
On Tuesday Anna (her name has two ns, sorry!) and I and one of her drivers, John, went to Eldoret, a 45-minute drive. One of her friends who owns an electronics store is checking on a digital piano for me and we almost talked Anna into getting a computer for her to email her friends. We had lunch at one of the hotels—cheeseburgers and fries with a Fanta drink—then went to the super Nakumatt, Kenya’s equivalent to Wal-Mart. They have everything. I was amazed! Anna shopped for groceries while I looked at clothes washers, stoves, refrigerators, and microwaves (yahoo!) for when my house is built. A very interesting day!
Speaking of my house, we think there is land available close by and adjacent to another tea plantation. I started drawing up plans with many good suggestions from Anna, and next week her builder will come by. We also have a few people watching out for a good deal on a car. I may have to order one from Japan. Things move very slowly here, wherein comes the “waiting on the Lord” and making the necessary personal lifestyle changes.
On Wednesday Henry Maritim, son of Pastor David, came by to talk more about the needs of the churches. Henry is also Bro. Terry’s African “son” and a great help on the mission trips. (For those of you who are not members of FBC, Snellville, Terry Hopkins is Minister of Missions.)
On Thursday Pastor David returned for more detailed conversation. I mentioned the possibility of Vacation Bible Schools for the children. They attend school year round except for 3 ½ months at various times of the year: mid-May to mid-June, August, and mid-November to January. He said all of that time would be good. Kids will come from all over.
Yesterday (Friday) Perez, one of the house girls, Andrew, another driver, and I went to Nandi Hills town to check out other internet options (what I have now is so slow and time is money!), buy phone cards and find out how to receive and send packages from and to the US. Getting information is not easy around here. Everyone you ask has their own opinion (something like the IRS). This time I went straight to the source: Securicor, the official Kenyan carrier of letters and packages from other countries. Their ONLY connection in the US is DHL. If you want to send something, check with DHL on the requirements regarding the contents then address it as follows:
Mrs. Anna Ngeno for Judy
Telephone #0733747656
c/o Securicor
Kenya Commercial Bank Nandi Hills, Kenya
The telephone number is Anna’s. The bank is the receiver. They call us to pick up the package in Nandi Hills. Please make sure the contents will pass customs. There are many regulations. Here’s the kicker: my daughter tried to send 20 lbs. of stuff, but the cost was $600.00!!! Therefore, I don’t expect to receive much from anyone!
Also, I just found out this morning that regular mail takes only a few days, contrary to the “five months” I was told earlier, if it is addressed correctly. Here’s that address:
Mrs. Anna Ngeno for Judy
P. O. Box 48 Nandi Hills
Nandi Hills, Kenya
VIA AIRMAIL must be on the envelope or it will take 5 months by boat. The zip code may be different from earlier info. I went to the post office (posta) and found out this info.
Again, thank you all for your prayers. Mungu aku bariki!
Posted_By: Judy Date: Saturday, July 22, 2006 Time:
08:21 AM
At the Tea Plantation
I had a wonderful visit with Samson and his family. They were very gracious hosts and served well-seasoned, delicious food (rice, spaghetti, potatoes, carrots, greens, beans, chicken, beef, plenty of fresh fruit from their yard, oatmeal, eggs, bread, and plum jelly. They watch TV every evening—shows from America, a soap opera from India, and the news in Swahili and English. Quite a combination! Their bathroom facilities were arranged differently with the commode in one small room, the shower in another, and the basin in the hallway outside the shower. Brushing my teeth with people walking by was an interesting experience. I left them on Friday morning, 7/21, heading for Nandi Hills and the tea plantation.
The ride from Nairobi was 8 hours. It should have been shorter, but we stopped several times to ask directions and to buy vegetables and prepaid phone cards. As it turned out, Samson rode to the funeral with some members of his church, so another church member who is a professional driver drove me to Ana’s. We also took Eunice, one of Samson’s daughters-in-law, and her 7-year old daughter Quinter, with us as they live close by in Kapsabet.
Asking for directions is a necessity because there are very few road signs. Most of those that are in place are rusted out or bent so that you can’t tell which way the arrow tells you to turn. I had a map, but it didn’t help at all. I decided that I’ll have to make my own maps, at least until I know enough Swahili to ask directions and understand what they’re telling me.
It is so beautiful here—like being surrounded by the Garden of Eden. Ana is feisty but she has an eye for beauty and has great respect for nature as God created it. Birds sing night and day and her two dogs bark quite frequently. I’m sure they’re chasing away any snakes. Bwana asa fiwe! (Praise the Lord!)
Please pray for Ana. Bro. Terry led her to the Lord in 2001, but she is so influenced by the Koran and the Catholic church that she has made up her own personal, ecumenical theology. We’ve had many conversations about what the Bible says and Who Jesus is, but she doesn’t accept it all. She has always had a comeback from another point of view until I shared my testimony this morning about God calling me to Africa. She listened very intently, not saying a word. It was amazing to watch her facial reactions. At some point during one of our conversations, she mentioned that when she hears something new, she must think about it for a couple of days. Pray that her heart will be turned to the truth as she reflects.
Joshpat, Eunice, and Quinter (R to L -
Click picture for larger image)
One other prayer request, please. Samson’s son Josphat, until a few days ago, had been missing for 3 months. He was on his way to join a medical mission team and had medical supplies in his vehicle. There are always several police road blocks along the roads. Sometimes they stop you; sometimes not. They stopped Josphat, saw the medical supplies, and arrested him on the spot, accusing him of stealing them. In jail they tortured him by biting him, starving him and even broke one of his legs until Josphat finally gave in and said he had stolen the supplies. After being released, he walked over 100 kilometers, using only a cane, to reach the home of one of his sisters. He was emaciated. He should be fully recovered in another 4 months, and then the family plans to pursue an investigation and probably legal action. His wife is Eunice, who rode with me to Nandi Hills. The family needs your prayers.
Thank you, as always, for your prayers. God is already working.
The internet network coverage through my cell phone has been up and down, mostly down, since I arrived. So you will receive this as soon as it is possible.
Mungu aku bariki! (God bless you!)
Posted_By: Judy Date: Monday, July 17, 2006 Time: 05:09 AM
The Journey Has Begun
After many hours of packing and repacking, we left Terri’s home in Canton in time to arrive at the airport by 3:00 on Friday, July 14, 2006. Terri, Barry and Miranda accompanied me to the airport. The KLM line was very long, but after only 45 minutes, I finally checked in. By the time I arrived at the last concourse (E), they were calling for everyone to board. There was no time to sit and think about the family and friends I was leaving behind until I was on the plane. Since then many tearful moments have come and gone, but I am totally assured that this is God’s will for my life at this time and He will supply the grace we all need to make the adjustments.
Sixteen+ hours of uneventful (thank the Lord!) flying time plus two hours in the Amsterdam airport later, the plane landed in Nairobi at 7:15 p.m. (12:15 p.m. Atlanta time) on Saturday, July 15. Samson Kisia, pastor of First Baptist Church, Ruiru (a suburb of Nairobi), and his associate pastor, Pius, met me at the airport and took me to Samson’s home where I am staying until Friday. Just as the Lord has taken care of so many details to this point, so He is continuing. It just so happens that Samson has to conduct a funeral in Nandi Hills on Saturday, making it so that he has to drive there on Friday. He will take me to Ana’s door at the tea plantation. That settled the question as to how I was going to get from the airport in Eldoret to the tea plantation. We serve an awesome God!!!
I attended the 11:00 Swahili service at Samson’s church. It ended at 2:00. Now what would Snellvillians, or any other American church goer, do if they had to sit for 3 hours every Sunday morning? The time went by fast with a praise band consisting of a drum set (American style), bass and electric guitars, and keyboard; song leader; youth choir; adult choir; Scripture readings; prayers; and finally, at 1:45, the sermon, all in Swahili. I told Samson afterward that whatever he said it was with conviction and passion. I learned some more Swahili words for God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit: Mungu Baba, Mungu Mwana, ni Mungu Roho.
It is now Monday morning and the rest of the week will be spent looking for a cell phone (mine is still searching for a network site and is unusable) and hopefully cell internet access, a new electricity converter (the one I brought with me just blew up—the smell is terrible—and my computer is back on battery power), getting a Kenyan driver’s license (they drive on the wrong side of the road), looking for a car, and taking care of many other details. We’ll go find what the Lord has already picked out for me.
Now I must go across the road to a training center, which is used by Wycliffe and other groups, to hook up to the internet so I can send this update. It costs only 5 Kenyan shillings per minute—a little over $.06/minute American.
As always thank you for your prayers, love and support. I wouldn’t be this far without all of you.
God bless you!
Judy Date: Wednesday, July 5, 2006 Time: 05:11 PM
I leave Atlanta at 5:05 p.m. on
Friday, July 14, change planes in Amsterdam, then go on to
Nairobi, landing at 7:50 p.m. on Saturday, July 15, if
everything stays on schedule. (They are 7 hours ahead of
us.) Pastor Samson Kisia will meet me at the Nairobi
airport. I’ll stay with him and his family a couple of days,
then go on to the tea plantation in Nandi Hills where I will
live until I get some land and build a house.
God has been so awesome in
leading me through the details to this point, and I know He
has already prepared the way there.